For the first step is still the same as the previous tutorial, which starts with drawing the head starts from the cheek and chin-shaped shape resembles the fusion of the letter U and V.
And proceed with drawing Luffy's eyes, which starts from drawing his eyebrows first and then proceeded to draw the part of his eyes that rounded the sphere
Next is drawing Luffy's nose and mouth right in the center of the horizontal face, and accordingly the Anime / Manga series draws his nose and his mouth does not need detailed details huh

Then we picture his ears Luffy as much as 2 seeds, according to the slogan 2 ear is enough 3 3
Afterwards picture Luffy's hair from left to right counterclockwise, keeping in mind that the shape of the head is oval or round, not the box yes ntar is thought to be a creature of the bikini bottom
Then we add detail details of Luffy's face, such as scratches on the cheeks and circular marks around the eyes that are the default of this Gear 4 mode

After that we add detail details to Luffy's body parts like shirts and X-shaped scars caused by red waung (Akainu). And last add a fire-like mark which is also the effect of the Gear 4 on the top of Luffy's body.

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