History of anime development in Japan
The history of animation work in Japan begins with the first
experiment in animation by Shimokawa Bokoten, Koichi Junichi, Kitayama
Seitaro in 1913.
Then followed short film only lasted about 5 minutes of Oten
Shimokawa's work entitled Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki in 1917. At
that time Oten takes 6 months just to work on the animation throughout
the 5 minutes and is still a "silent film".Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki by Oten Shimokawa
Oten's work was later followed by anime titled Saru Kani Kassen and
Momotaro by Seitaro Kitayama in 1918, which was made for a film company
called Nihon Katsudo Shashin Nikatsu.
In 1927, the United States through Disney has managed to create
animations using sounds that at that time only use the music as a
The Japanese then followed that step and the first anime by using musical sound was Kujira in 1927 by Noburo Ofuji. While the first anime that "talk" is the work Ofuji titled Kuro Nyago in 1930 and 90 seconds duration.
One of the anime recorded before the outbreak of World War II and is
the first anime by using optic track as used in the present is Chikara
To Onna No Yononaka in Kenzo Masaoka's 1932 work.
In 1943 Masaoka along with a student, Senoo Kosei, made about five
episodes of anime titled Momotaro no Umiwashi (Momotaro, the Sea Eagle).
Near the end of the Pacific War, in April 1945, Senoo had made and
performed approximately nine episodes of the anime which was his
masterpiece, Momotaro: Umi no Shinpei (Momotaro: Devine Soldier of the
This anime is the first Japanese anime that lasted long, which is about 72 minutes. Both are propaganda anime adapts from the famous Japanese legend, Momotaro, and is one of the most popular anime of the day.
After World War II, the anime and manga industries bounced back thanks to Osamu Tezuka. He was at that time only about 20 years old making Shintakarajima (New Treasure Island) which appeared in 1947.
In just a few short years, Tezuka became very famous. When his contract expired with Toei in 1962, he later founded Osamu
Tezuka Production Animation Department, later known as Mushi Productions
with his first production short film Aru Machi Kado no Monogatari in
The famous Mushi Production product is Tetsuwan Atom. But Tetsuwan Atom is not the first locally made television animation to air.
Mittsu no Hanashi (Tree Tales) - The Third Blood which is an anime TV
Special is the first time anime aired on Japanese television in 1960.
that, it was continued with an anime TV serial production of Otogi-Pro
titled Instant Story on May 1, 1961 at Fuji television station [Fuji
Terebi]. Although only lasted 3 minutes, the series is quite gaining popularity and lasted until 1962.
The anime show marks the birth of the first Japanese TV Series anime series. However, Tetsuwan Atom is the first anime to be aired on a regular basis. This event is very famous even to some countries outside Japan (in America Tetsuwan Atom known as Astro Boy).
Around the 1960s, anime on television was mostly still aimed at children. The story material presented still revolves around goodness against evil and something funny.
Yet in some anime like 8-Man, it is told that the main character was
killed and then revived as a cyborg or even Mach Go Go Go with a rather
deep plot but all still remained focused on the conflict between good
and evil.Anime-Lupine III-01Lupine Sansei [Lupine III] by Monkey Punch
New changes began to appear in the 1970s. Anime is lifted from the work of Monkey Punch manga is Lupine Sansei
[Lupine III] became anime devoted to adult audiences by presenting adult
humor and slapstik.
This television show was so popular that it appeared in the form of film and even the television series was made into 2 sequels.
the era of the 80s, anime increasingly popular and more and more film
producers who try to meet the desires of the community. This growth is further supported by the emergence of videotapes as media.
With the VCR technology, people can get their favorite anime in the form of video. This is what then encourage the emergence of the video version of an
anime that immediately sold to the public without having aired on
television first.
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